Comprehensive Measurement System for Precise Time and Frequency Metrology is first such unique, multifunctional and technologically advanced system for precise metrology of time and frequency.
It’s the only one complete and unified time and frequency metrology set offering such wide range of parameters and functionality in the world.
The main application areas of the system are military and civil laboratories specializing in generation and distribution of high-precision reference time and frequency signals.
Any of the devices can operate autonomously, what makes the potential application area even wider, which includes sciences such as nuclear physics, astronomy, geodesy or technical branches like satellite navigation, telecommunications, optoelectronics, semiconductor and computer industries.
This system allows for:
Multichannel Time/Frequency Counter MTC 108
Multichannel Time/Frequency Counter MTC 108 measures time intervals in a wide measurement range (> 1h) with very high precision (< 4.5 ps) and high measurement rate (up to 91×106 meas./s) in eight independent measurement channels. Frequency measurements are also performed in very wide range (up to 3.5 GHz) and with high resolution (12 significant digits). The functionality of MTC 108 is further improved by clock signal sources short-term stability measurement modes (Allan deviation) and quality estimation of these signals (time interval error, time deviation).
Programmable Distribution Amplifier PDA 0816
Programmable Distribution Amplifier PDA 0816 enables both optical and electrical distribution of signals generated in the system or derived from other sources to up to 16 external receivers simultaneously.
Delay (Time Interval)/Frequency Generator TIG 101
Delay (Time Interval)/Frequency Generator TIG 101 is a source of reference time intervals that are generated with ultra-low jitter (< 5 ps), based on a dedicated method of counting signal time periods with dynamic phase shifting. The generator can be a source of a rectangular waveform with precisely controlled frequency (1 mHz resolution).
The system was presented at 8 exhibitions and at 6 International Invention Shows, where it has earned 6 medals, a special prize and a distinction.
The operation of the system has been experimentally verified rendering it ready for implementation. The whole system, as well as its single instruments, are the subjects of protection by the means of Industrial Property Law.
The prototype of MTC 108 has already found its field of use in Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
This system was developed by the Consortium of Military University of Technology and KenBIT Sp. J. under contract no. PBS1/B3/3/2012 funded by The National Centre for Research and Development.