Design and development of advanced digital and analogue devices
- Radio Access devices
- Dedicated devices for VoIP and data transfer based on WLAN technology
- Digital switches and multiplexers based on packet and channel switching
- Microcontrollers on the basis of CPLD and FPGA by Xilinx
- Design and development of custom devices upon client requirements
Offer for naval applications
- Integration of communication, cryptographic and reconnaissance systems with implementation of our own technical solutions, both hardware and software
- Design, installation and implementation of ICT and communication systems, including systems for processing of classified information, secure computer networks, as well as other customized solutions according to the needs
- Design and manufacture of non-standard equipment according to the customer requirements in the areas of radio, teletransmission and ICT, including those designated for the processing of classified information
- The development and implementation of measurement systems of ship’s engines and tanks
- Design, installation and maintenance of break-in and assault alarm systems, and access control systems to civil and military facilities. We have the appropriate authorizations and experience in designing systems of SA1 ÷ SA4 class
- Design and installation of industrial television systems (CCTV) for diffrent objects (buildings, boats, extensive areas). Solutions offered are based on proven devices of renown manufacturers
- Maintenance and service of maritime communication equipment and systems
- Installation works on ships, boats and land-based facilities
Complex IT Projects
- Reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems based on the equipment of renowned manufacturers
- GIS applications
- Command management systems
- Laser warning systems (software and hardware)
- Distributed database systems with differential data replication management
- User interfaces based on pre-formatted documents systems, templates factories, exchange control systems
- Data acquisition using standard interfaces (RS, GPIB, ETHERNET, etc.)
- Data analysis on the basis of client made algorithms or project requirements
- Data visualization using trade standards or user defined standards
- Both standard and non standard communications between system elements based on TCP/IP UDP/IP protocol
- Data security (ITSEC), access control and user authentication functional modules adapted to user requirements
- Client – Server database systems management
- Communication equipment control and ready-to-use tools for the radio data transmission
- Visualization and mapping of the data provided by external sources (communication modules, sensors and other
- Turnkey projects such as: communication installations (radio, cable and satellite), control and command centers, maritime communication systems
- Platform integration
Our Company
KenBIT was established in February 2003 by scientific workers from Warsaw Military Academy of Technology. As the Academy employees, we were co-authors of several research and development works (i.a. single channel subsystem, multi-channel simplex radio access and multichannel simplex radio access mobile composite mast as well as multifunctional handset used for PR4G radio station and data exchange network), which were implemented in the army and have been used by Military Institute of Communication since then.
Having wide professional experience and faced with new life circumstances, we decided to start up our own enterprise. As a team of engineers of electronics and informatics, who had for many years been working on creation and implementation of communication and informatics systems as well as software for the Polish Army, we are now able to put our ideas into life.
Our main area in which we operate covers digital, wired and wireless communication as well as electronic intelligence. The current scope of our activities includes designing mobile communication nodes for telecommunication networks, where the main designing trouble is the integration of UHF and HF communication means with wireless infrastructure within telecommunication services. Numerous technical solutions, which we had established, involved modernization and development of wireless teleinformation networks. Their military application has its own specification and to meet the requirements we have developed a range of copyright solutions for teleinformation networks. They are optimized to possibly minimize the telecommunication infrastructure use concerning the required data flow as well as operational costs of communication systems, regarding tariff rates.
Another strategic field of our activity includes information systems oriented towards automation, reliability and punctuality of data exchange. Within this line we have developed the System of Distributed Relational Database with Diversified Replication Procedures. It can be implemented into many platforms of database servers. Basic advantage of this system is a possibility of distribution of database deployment and management for firms consisting of many area divisions, which have their own database scrap. Diversified Data Access Mechanism allows inexpensive, reliable data transfer between departments and the same data, in many places, are ensured to be compact. The flexible strategy of data equalization in the company database, allows the client to choose the replication strategy they need the most. Moreover, our company deals with teleinformation security systems. We can offer copyright solutions enabling data ciphering, user identification and authentication as well as securing database access. We are able to adapt the politics of security management to our clients’ requirements.
In our IT activity we have not skipped the problem of IT security. We have developed a software solutions which enable data encryption, identification and authentication of users and secure access to databases. Our solutions have wide range of options and policies, safety management, which gives you the opportunity to choose the most appropriate way to secure your data against unauthorized access.
As specialists on communications, we can see many disadvantages and gaps in today’s systems operating especially within the field of computer network development as well as technology and telecommunication services integration regarding interfacing of radio systems with channel systems. We have set ourselves a goal to fill the above mentioned gap. Our main aim is to make communication systems more integrated with radio networks and with radio access subsystems. We believe they would be a good way to eliminate some disadvantages, which limit the use of communications. Therefore, we have dedicated a lot of time to develop copyright solutions that would implement VoIP technology into the systems in order to increase the efficiency of its infrastructure application. The integration of VoIP technology with mobile nodes warfare is also our area of interest.
We try to equip our systems and devices with user-friendly interface for both the client and the system management. We have worked out many software solutions used in integrating the topographic visualization interfaces with database systems, as well as other solutions designed to deal with formalized documents in terms of their processing and distribution control. We have also developed a wide packet of software for document templates works, which offer our clients wide spectrum of interference in interface composition of exploited systems.
KenBIT Maritime Branch in Gdynia specializes in integration, design, production and maintenance of the following electronic systems: communications (including special and satellite communications), reconnaissance, ICT and navigation. The systems developed and implemented by our specialists are used by the Navy, Land Forces and Border Guard, as well as numerous civilian customers.We have experienced team of design engineers, servicemen and installation technicians, which enables us to perform almost every task covering the above mentioned areas, from design to integration, implementation, acceptance tests and training the users of the system.
We offer following services:
- Integration of communication, cryptographic and reconnaissance systems with implementation of our own technical solutions, both hardware and software.
- Design, installation and implementation of ICT and communication systems, including systems for processing of classified information, secure computer networks, as well as other customized solutions according to the needs.
- Design and manufacture of non-standard equipment according to the customer requirements in the areas of radio, teletransmission and ICT, including those designated for the processing of classified information.
- Development and implementation of measurement systems of ship’s engines and tanks.
- Design, installation and maintenance of break-in and assault alarm systems, and access control systems to civil and military facilities. We have the appropriate authorizations and experience in designing systems of SA1 ÷ SA4 class.
- Design and installation of industrial television systems (CCTV) for diffrent objects (buildings, boats, extensive areas). Solutions offered are based on proven devices of renown manufacturers.
- Maintenance and service of maritime communication equipment and systems.
- Installation works on ships, boats and land-based facilities.
We cooperate with leading domestic and foreign manufacturers of military equipment. This way our solutions are optimized in accordance with the expectations of the customer.
Most of the branch staff has clearances for access to classified information: Secret/NATO SECRET, as well as the appropriate certificates of training in the protection of classified information for persons engaged in servicing and installation of cryptographic equipment. Designed and executed systems for processing classified information shall comply with the requirements of national security authorities (ABW/SKW) and the relevant provisions of the NATO and EU regulations.
The Quality Policy
Mamy świadomość, że oferowane przez nas wyroby i usługi są wynikiem pracy całego zespołu ludzi, a każda wykonana praca stanowi rekomendację dla naszych przyszłych Klientów. Dlatego walkę na rynku prowadzić będziemy przede wszystkim poprzez zapewnienie najnowszych rozwiązań i ciągłe polepszenie jakości wyrobów i usług oraz nieustanne doskonalenie systemu zarządzania.
Dbamy o to, aby rozwój naszych pracowników następował wraz z rozwojem Spółki, tak, aby ich umiejętności i zaangażowanie gwarantowały osiągnięcie maksymalnej efektywności i jakości naszego działania.
Nasze motto brzmi:
„Nowoczesna łączność i informatyka – to nasza codzienność”
Priorytetem dla naszych działań jest:
- Oferowanie klientowi najnowszych, najlepszych technologii i wyrobów;
- Terminowa i zgodna z wymaganiami realizacja zobowiązań wobec klientów ;
- Troska o najwyższą jakość i rzetelność świadczonych usług;
- Stała opieka nad systemami eksploatowanymi przez Klienta przez cały okres ich życia;
- Międzynarodowa współpraca z liderami w zakresie oferowanych wyrobów i usług;
- Dbałość o innowacyjność oferowanych wyrobów i usług;
- Ustawiczne szkolenie naszych pracowników;
- Wyposażenie stanowisk pracy w niezbędne narzędzia i urządzenia, środowisko pracy oraz wiarygodny sprzęt kontrolno-pomiarowy;
- Spełnienie wymagań ustawowych i przepisów aktualnego prawa;
- Wprowadzenie wyrobów i usług na rynek morski.
KenBIT Sp.j. to organizacja zarządzana w sposób sprawny, która pragnie być postrzegana przez swych Klientów i pracowników jako gwarant rzetelności i nowoczesności.
Stosowany w Przedsiębiorstwie System Zarządzania Jakością oparty jest
o normę PN-EN ISO 9001:2009, publikację standaryzacyjną NATO AQAP-2110:2009 i AQAP-2210:2006 oraz „Ustawę z dnia 29 listopada 2000 r. o obrocie z zagranicą towarami, technologiami i usługami o znaczeniu strategicznym dla bezpieczeństwa państwa, a także dla utrzymania międzynarodowego pokoju i bezpieczeństwa”.
Prezes Zarządu
Dariusz Koenig